
Region: Wyspa Cres

Although small with a population of only 70 inhabitants, due to its glorious past, preserved natured beauty as well as its gastronomy, Osor is a must as a tourist destination for all those visiting the islands of Cres and Lošinj.

The millennium metropolis of the Cres-Lošinj archipelago – over such a small area, one can find traces of its glorious and distinctive past in every stone of this eternal town.

On the spot where the islands of Lošinj and Cres almost meet is a small town, which in ancient times, experienced its moment of glory. Thanks to a burrowed canal (Cavata, Kavuada, Cavanella), which facilitated passage and navigation from one sea to the other, here in the past the main through traffic between the North Adriatic and Dalmatian coast took place, making Osor an international port.

The foundations of the city walls reveal an ancient history, which can be traced back to a prehistoric era – IX century BC. The name of the town was Osor – Apsoros, which is thought to originate from the ancient hero Apsyrt and this lends a mythical ambience to this town of yore.

The ancient town square encompasses beautiful buildings from the XV and XVI centuries, the town hall with its roofed loggia (to-day it is the Town Museum), Bishop's palace and magnificent cathedral and bell-tower incorporate the historical nucleus of this town.

In fact, the entire town of Osor is an open-air museum wherein artists from all eras left their legacy, from the contemporary Meštrović to the ruins of the ancient walls, fort, the first early Christian basilica; a museum town whose green gardens and parks cover traces of prehistoric ancient villas, Renaissance portals and monasteries. A town, which is simultaneously history and a museum, becomes a unique open-air stage of rich cultural events during the summer months, the most important being Osor Musical Evening. This event has been held every year in the summer since 1976.

The tourists are offered organised and regulated accommodation in a cottage industry in the centre of the town, while outside the town along the sea, there are two camping sites with beaches and restaurants.

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